
‘Something’s Afoot’ Is Light on Its Feet in Costa Mesa

Agatha Christie started it all with her classic “Ten Little Indians,” a clever mystery puzzle about a group of strangers summoned to an isolated island to listen to a record condemning them all for past crimes. One by one they are disposed of by a self-appointed judge.

There have been countless rip-offs of the idea, even one going so far as making the guests all Roman Catholic sisters in a spoof called “And Then There Was Nun.”

James McDonald, David Vos and Robert Gerlach (with additional music by Ed Linderman) now spoof those the rip-offs, turning their work into a clever, feather-light musical that pokes fun at more than Christie’s original. It’s called “Something’s Afoot,” currently playing at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse.


One of the tricks in this type of show is not only to find the inherent humor in the script, but also to flesh it out with comic invention that matches the show’s style and intent. Director Lisa Gary has a sense of humor that infuses her staging with buoyant energy, worthy sight gags and style. Musical director Bill Wolfe also injects humor into the bright score.

It would be easy to go overboard with material like this, but Gary gets close to the line without stepping over it. She allows her cast the same loose rein, which she always pulls in just in time. She has artfully balanced a cast of actors who sing with singers who are also actors.

The actors provide the right style--slightly camp--for the material, and the standouts are those who provide their stereotypical characters with enough individuality to make them completely credible.


Kathy Simmons is a charmer as the adopted daughter of the island’s owner, and Todd Weldon has a very funny facade as the always-grinning, slightly obtuse romantic interest. Their numbers together, right out of ‘30s film musicals, are a delight.

As caretaker Flint, Jared Slater provides another highlight in his sendup of a British music hall turn, describing his hidden getaway boat in the song “Dinghy.” Tom Royer as a black-sheep nephew, Susan Gordon as a not-so-noble British noblewoman and especially Jennifer M. Boudreau as a mannish control freak stand out.

Listen closely for some gags that fly by quickly, such as when one character indignantly tries to inform a telephone operator that the phone line has been cut. There are a lot of details to savor in this show.



* “Something’s Afoot,” Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse, 661 Hamilton St. Thursday-Saturday, 8 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p.m. Ends Feb. 9. $15. (714) 650-5269. Running time: 2 hours.

Jared Slater: Flint

Kathy Simmons: Hope Langdon

Tom Royer: Nigel Rancour

Susan Gordon: Lady Grace Manley-Prowse

Jennifer M. Boudreau: Miss Tweed

Todd Weldon: Geoffrey

A Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse production of the McDonald-Vos-Gerlach musical mystery sendup. Produced by Giovanna Fusco. Direction/choreography/costumes: Lisa Gary. Musical direction: Bill Wolfe. Scenic design: David Hudnall. Lighting design: Michelle Evans. Stage manager: Robert Murphy.
