
Street Beautification Effort Begun by City

To improve the appearance of older streets that are cluttered with signs, lack landscaped medians and trees and have outdated lighting, the city is embarking on a program to spruce up its major thoroughfares.

“The goal is to create a lasting visual impression of Anaheim as an internationally important visitor destination area and, secondly, to enhance the residents’ image of where they live,” Community Services Director Chris Jarvi said.

Officials said they also hope to enhance the city’s business environment.

“It will create a more attractive environment, and it will help increase property values,” Mayor Tom Daly said.


At a City Council workshop earlier this month, officials agreed that a number of main streets in Anaheim need to be modernized.

“To bring the whole city into the 21st century, you have to be concerned with the areas that needed beautification, and you have to have a plan to make sure it’s done,” Councilwoman Shirley McCracken said.

Jarvi said the campaign will include landscaping medians and parkways, planting trees, replacing signs, installing new light fixtures, taking utility lines underground and adding decorative banners.


High-priority streets are Ball Road, Brookhurst Street, Beach Boulevard, Lincoln Avenue, Euclid Street, State College Boulevard and Katella Avenue.

Jarvi estimated the cost to develop design guidelines at $3,000 to $10,000 a mile. The cost for the work itself will be between $500,000 and $1.5 million, he said.

The next step, Jarvi said, is for the city staff to review and revise the plans and determine how to pay for the beautification.
