
Mexico Repays Debt to U.S.

Re “Mexico Makes Early Payoff on U.S. Loan,” Jan. 16: When President Clinton offered an emergency loan package to Mexico, many critics scorned this move as irresponsible. Both Pat Buchanan and Ross Perot have been proven wrong. Few people are laughing now. Mexico has aided in slowing “Mexican-bashing” by paying its loan three years early with interest. As a Latino, this gives me great pride.

Nevertheless, as you reported (“Not Cheering Yet,” Business), I am in accordance that most Mexicans are not feeling the benefits of Mexico’s economic recovery. Mexico must ensure that the benefits and the advancements made at the macro level are filtered down to the micro level, to the average Mexican. Mexico needs to make a serious investment in its primary level of education. Furthermore, interest rates need to be lowered and the average Mexican needs to receive decent wages. Until that happens, people will continue to flee north out of hunger and desperation.


Hacienda Heights
