
Boxer Proposal to Ban Cheap Handguns

Finally, we have a politician with some real guts. I’m talking about our esteemed Sen. Barbara Boxer (Jan. 12), who is trying to ban those cheap Saturday night specials!

I think this action is long overdue. It’s time we limited firearms purchases by poor people, as they have no wealth to protect. Heck! They’re poor. Besides, if we (the rich) allowed them guns they would probably use them against us to take our hard-earned wealth!

The same should go for cars. They’ve got no job to go to. Remember, they’re poor! Let’s take their cars by requiring overpriced insurance, smog and DMV fees.


Because, as our brave, well-to-do senator has figured out, the poor don’t count (and they don’t vote), so let’s all work together to keep America free!



* Boxer et al. probably expect plaudits for their earnest and seemingly sincere efforts to upgrade the weaponry in the hands of our criminals.

But personally, I would be pleased, rather than distressed, if a carjacker failed to kill me due to the malfunction or inaccuracy of an inferior-quality handgun.



Laguna Beach

* What does it take to end the violence and killing? Where is our gun control? It appears the evil-intended are packing more weapons than our police departments, military and game hunters combined. When will the necessary drastic measures be taken to get the arms off the street?

Let’s turn into a military state for a month and conduct house-to-house searches, waiving search warrants, and take all unregistered arms. Even the military and reserves could be activated to back up the law enforcement agencies. Waive any prosecution of drugs, etc., for the sweep, as weapons are the target.

As important as sobriety roadblock checks, weapons roadblock checks seem as or more important, given that the purpose of guns in the wrong hands is to kill humans.



Newport Beach
