
City Considering Leaf-Blower Limits

Complaints about noise from leaf blowers prompted the City Council this week to consider regulating the machines, which Councilman Paul F. Walker described as “one of my pet peeves.”

The council directed the city staff to draft an ordinance that would restrict use of the devices. Many lawn-care companies have such machines, and the city’s Public Works Department also uses them.

Residents have directed complaints about leaf-blower noise to Councilwoman Eva Miner Bradford, who asked the city staff in October to study the matter.


Tami K. Piscotty, the city’s senior management assistant, reported to the council Tuesday that 15 other cities in Orange County regulate leaf blowers, typically by limiting noise levels and hours of operation.

Many cities also forbid use of leaf blowers to propel trash into street gutters and drains, Piscotty said.

Councilwoman Alta E. Duke raised questions about how such an ordinance would work. “As far as noise level, how do you enforce it?” she asked.


City staff members said that aspect is difficult to enforce.

But Mayor Kenneth Blake said it is wise for cities to put decibel-level ceilings into leaf-blower laws anyway. “This gets the message to manufacturers to put [lower] noise levels,” Blake said.
