
City Settles Wrongful-Death Suit for $150,000

The parents of a 19-month-old baby who died in 1994 after choking on a fried banana will receive $150,000 from the city of Los Angeles after a unanimous vote Wednesday by the City Council.

Ricardo and Bertha Carranza of South Los Angeles originally demanded $825,000 from the city in their wrongful-death lawsuit, claiming that their baby, Karina, died because Los Angeles paramedics used an adult oxygen mask rather than a child-size apparatus as they transported her in an ambulance. Karina died after 72 hours on life support at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center.

In a separate action Wednesday, the City Council also approved a $75,000 settlement for Paul and Bernadette Lee for a negligence lawsuit involving a landslide on Chalon Road that damaged their property.
