
The Spin

Spare that pillow case. Next time you’re making tossed salad, bag those washed greens and spin them in Spin ‘n Stor from Argee Corp. The Santee, Calif., company hopes to phase out plastic salad spinners, bathroom towels and wire shakers with its plastic bag that comes with a gutter. That’s right. After you spin the bag like an airplane propeller, excess water drains from the reservoir into the bottom of the bag. Great. But what to do with that salad spinner? There’s always the Easter Parade.

At supermarkets.

Juicy Vruit

You know juice bars and juicers are going mainstream when carrot juice is marketed in supermarkets alongside the orange and the cranapple. Vruit juices combine vegetable juices with fruit (lemon veggie blend, for example) to make the hard stuff (broccoli, etc.) easier to take: A spoonful of apple helps the carrot juice go down, yes?

At supermarkets.

Floating Island

If only this bowl had been around when we were kids bored with our daily oatmeal. Paris-based artist Patrick Martinez set a little house afloat in the center of his soup plate--something to set your sights on as you spoon your way through your morning porridge. It makes a cool dip bowl too.


At the Museum of Contemporary Art gift shop, downtown Los Angeles.
