
Golden Oldies

Now that scholarly presses have started publishing facsimile editions of 19th century and earlier cookbooks, Lyons & Burford is republishing more recent classics that have been out of print for just a few years. The first three volumes in the Cook’s Classic Library series are Elizabeth David’s “An Omelette and a Glass of Wine,” Patience Gray’s “Honey From a Weed” and James Villas’ “American Taste,” each with a foreword by a noted food writer.

These first three books will be offered as alternate selections by the Good Cook Book Club of Book-of-the-Month Club. The next two, in October, will be “Michael Field’s Cooking School” and “The Unprejudiced Palate” by Angelo Pellegrini.

Golden Oldies, Part II

In other old cookbook news, if you’ve ever wondered whether any of the books you own are valuable, check out “Collectible Old Cookbooks With Values” by Barbara Gelink. For a copy, send check for $45 plus $3 for postage and handling to Otento Books, 4756 Terrace Drive, San Diego, CA 92116-2514. For more information: (619) 281-8962.


Mutant Mice

Recently Birmingham, England, suffered a plague of aggressive mice. They were a mutant breed that was deficient in beta amylase, an enzyme that digests carbohydrates, so they wouldn’t eat grain-based bait and couldn’t be lured into traps. Scientists debated whether the trap avoidance and the enzyme deficiency were both inherited or whether the mice had just become adapted to a meat diet by eating refuse around hamburger restaurants.

Anyway, the scientists found that the mice were suckers for poisoned tuna. Wiped the mutants out within a year.

The Lottery of Love

Between now and Valentine’s Day, three lucky people will open boxes of Godiva chocolate (the red velvet heart, romantic toile hatbox or the valentine ballotin assortment) and find certificates for $1,000 diamond rings. You can buy the chocolates at Godiva boutiques, department and specialty stores, by calling (800) 9-GODIVA or from the Godiva Internet site:


Of course, you can participate without purchase: Send name, mailing address, daytime phone and age on plain 3x5-inch postcard to Godiva “Chocolates and Diamonds,” P.O. Box 3841, Milford, CT 06460. But then you don’t have any chocolate.
