
Frank A. Celluci; Program Analyst, Music Lover

Frank A. Celluci, a lover of music, theater and opera, died Thursday in Camarillo after a 10-month battle with cancer.

Celluci, 57, leaves behind his wife of 18 years, Pam; his son, Nicholas, 12, and his sister, Carol Celluci of North Hollywood.

“We were best friends and relied on each other for strength and companionship,” Pam Celluci said. “We truly loved each other and shared a passion for literature, films and friends.”


The family moved to Camarillo four years ago from Manhattan Beach, where Frank Celluci worked as a program analyst for Los Angeles County.

He was an active parent volunteer at the Bedford Open School, which his son attended, and would teach music appreciation. He brought that appreciation to his son, who played the saxophone and now plays the guitar, Pam Celluci said.

Although Celluci did not play an instrument, he learned to love music and knew a great deal about it. He was particularly fond of Mahler and Verdi.


A Celebration of Life ceremony will be held at Jewish Families of Camarillo at 1 p.m. Saturday. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Camarillo Hospice at 389-5898 or Livingston Memorial Hospice at 642-0239.
