
Ventura Selects New City Attorney

The City Council voted unanimously Tuesday night to hire Robert G. Boehm of Chico as city attorney. He is scheduled to start March 1.

Boehm (pronounced Bame) will replace Peter Bulens, who left the city attorney post last fall. Boehm has served as the city attorney of Chico in Northern California since 1979. There, he was in charge of all city legal affairs, including oversight of the Chico Redevelopment Agency.

Boehm graduated from the University of Minnesota Law School and Macalester College in St. Paul, Minn.


He says he wants to move to Ventura to shake up his career and take on the challenges of a larger city.

“We are thrilled to have come together as a council to choose a very experienced, distinguished candidate to fill the city attorney position,” said Mayor Jack Tingstrom. “We welcome Bob and look forward to working with him.”

Asssist City Atty. Amy Albano has been filling in as city attorney.
