
Council to Interview Golf Panel Candidates

The City Council will meet at a special time today to interview candidates and make appointments to the Golf Course Committee.

The council, which will convene at 5:30 p.m., will also consider an ordinance that would expand the committee from five to seven members.

The golf committee presently has one vacancy after Lois R. Berg was elected to the City Council. Two additional candidates would also be appointed if the council decides to expand the committee.


In other action, the council will receive an update on the Monterey Storm Drain Repair and Verde/Lobos Marinos Canyon study, initiated earlier this year to determine repair options for several aged drains at Trafalgar Canyon and Verde Canyon.

City employees have recommended construction and rehabilitation of the Monterery, East San Juan and Buena Suerte storm drains, and are seeking the council’s direction as to how to proceed with the proposed projects.

Construction costs for the new drains are estimated at $775,000. Money for the projects could come from the Storm Drain Utility Fund and Disaster Relief Fund, said Handan Cirit, the city’s principal civil engineer.


The regular meeting starts at 7 p.m. in council chambers, 100 Avenida Presidio. Information: (714) 361-8200.
