
Clearer Skies, Warmer Weather Expected in O.C., Forecasters Say

From a Times Staff Writer

The gloomy gray threatened rain Monday but delivered only scattered showers in Orange County, which can expect clearing skies later today giving way to sun and warmer temperatures, according to weather forecasters.

Most areas in Orange County reported no rain Monday, one of the few exceptions being Anaheim, which had collected a mere .13 inches, said meteorologist Curtis Brack of WeatherData Inc., which provides weather forecasts to The Times.

Still, many hurried about wearing raincoats or gripping umbrellas, fearful that the cloudy skies were about to open up as they did last week, drenching the county for several days before a weekend that saw blue skies and visibility all the way to the snowcapped mountains.


To date, the area has seen more than twice the normal rainfall for the rainy season, officials said. Typically, a little more than 5 inches of rain falls by this time of the season. But so far, more than 12 inches have fallen, meteorologists said.

Brack said there will be a slight chance of showers this morning, but skies are expected to clear by the evening.

“It looks like mostly clear skies and a little bit warmer temperatures for the next few days,” he said.
