
Store’s Roller Hockey Rink Given at Least Temporary Reprieve

The roller hockey players at In-Line Kingdom say they’re gearing up to- at least temporarily-beat out one of their toughest opponents: county zoning ordinances.

Built behind In-Line Kingdom, an in-line skate store in an unincorporated area near Pasadena, the rink has attracted hundreds of 5- to 16- year- old roller hockey players.

Store owner Wally Schneider said he built the outdoor rink two years ago unaware that his little- used parking lot on Backus Street was not zoned for recreational use.


After receiving complaints from neighbors, the county last year told Schneider his rink had to go. And, given the difficulty of getting a zoning change, it was unlikely to come back.

But in a recent letter, County Planning Director James Hartl said he recongnized the benefits of youth sports programs. He told Schneider that, as a temporary solution, the outdoor rink could reopen while Schneider filed for a zoning change, a process that could take at least a year.

Even if the zoning change is denied and the rink gets torn down, Schneider said he is thankful for the temporary waiver. “At least we’ll have time for a second season.”
