
Dissolution of Church

* Re “Presbyterian Church Dissolved,” Jan. 4.

The article about the dissolution of First Presbyterian Church of Van Nuys, by the respected John Dart, contained serious omissions. This is particularly painful to members of this 85-year-old congregation, as it omitted virtually anything about the fine work of this church over the years. I felt as if the eight years I have been pastor here--during which members have knocked themselves out to have a welcoming, inclusive and creative ministry to our area--ended up in some journalistic Bermuda Triangle. Some of this is understandable, due to my being on vacation and unavailable for input.

For decades this congregation has done notable, even pioneering work: Hispanic ministries, bilingual children and youth groups, tutorial programs, CETA programs, a widely praised nursery school. Those who remained in recent years were generally very committed and hard-working. As loyal Presbyterians working in concert with our presbytery, we rejoiced in the support we received to have an added full-time Hispanic pastor. We worked hard to make this a reality.

Constantly battling against the ingrained grip of paternalism and exclusivity, we worked on becoming more cross-culturally sensitive. A lot of love and acceptance was felt by people here as we sought to be one church with two principal language groups. We have been mostly Anglo and other Caucasians, Hispanic, African American and some Asian. Shoulder to shoulder we worked at festivals, dinners and picnics while frequently worshiping together. Most memorable was our camaraderie during the Northridge earthquake as we worked as a repository of vital goods to a needy community.


This church has done a pretty good work over the years, for God and for humanity. I think this needs acknowledging. There are many who could well testify to that.


Van Nuys

Meyers is co-pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Van Nuys.
