
Zeanah Spells Bad Business

Time and again Elois Zeanah has been quoted as saying that she is the protector of small business in Thousand Oaks. I’ve been waiting a long time now to see what practical solutions or ideas she is going to present to back up all that talk.

Her standard approach seems to be that we must keep out large retailers in order to save our small businesses. Well, believe me, if we didn’t have the big guys bringing in the traffic, many of the little guys would have a tough time surviving. Does she think the Janss Mall would have lasted without Sears, Marshalls or Toys R Us? Does she think that The Oaks mall would support all the small shops without the major anchor chains? Just having the Civic Arts Plaza has benefited the small businesses that are near it on the boulevard.

If she really cares about small business, then she should quit talking and start walking and knocking on our doors to hear about our problems.


DIXIE VOLLMER, Thousand Oaks


Council member Elois Zeanah’s backers miss the point of recall by confusing it with a personality clash or a minor disagreement in a point of view. The real reason for the recall is Elois Zeanah’s willingness to compromise the financial integrity of the city and the health and safety of its citizens for her own purposes.

She sticks to the credo of power politics, which is, “Never apologize, never explain, and never under any circumstances admit you were wrong.” Elois Zeanah has demonstrated a willingness to bring this city to its knees. That is what the recall is all about.

BETSY BOURNE, Thousand Oaks
