
30 Years Later and Still No Sign of Park

Re “Builder Vows Work on Long-Promised Park About to Start,” Jan. 9.

If the residents of Rancho Conejo Village ever get their park built, they should consider themselves fortunate. I live just up the street from a site that has been a proposed park site for 30 years. The site, near the intersection of Borchard Road and Michael Drive, has been used only as a Christmas tree lot and a place to erect various temporary signs. In fact, the “Future Park Site” sign recently collapsed.

Various Thousand Oaks City officials have stated that no park can be built until a proposed realignment/upgrade of the Borchard/Michael intersection has been completed. This particular traffic improvement, although necessary for several years now, has yet to be funded. Why the developers of the Blockbuster center and the Lucky/Long’s shopping center weren’t required to pay for this traffic improvement is a mystery to the residents of this area.

F. R. WISSLER, Newbury Park
