
District to Seek New Sanitation Manager

Following up on the dismissal of General Manger Eric Oltmann, the Ojai Valley Sanitary District will hold a closed meeting Monday to appoint interim managers and begin recruiting for a new general manager.

The district’s board of directors dismissed Oltmann earlier this week after a closed-session vote.

The district handles sewage treatment and related facilities for Ojai and several unincorporated communities in the Ojai Valley.


Oltmann, who headed the district for 10 years, said his termination came “out of the blue” and he has yet to be given an explanation.

However, the dismissal followed an almost yearlong debate among board members concerning Oltmann’s performance. Board members would not elaborate Friday on their decision, and district spokesman Stan Greene was unavailable for comment.

In the interim, collections Supt. Ron Sheets will oversee district operations and administrative Supt. Brenda Kraut will be in charge of administration.


No estimate was given as to how long it would take to hire a new general manager.

Monday’s meeting will be at the district office at 1072 Tico Road in Ojai.
