
Disney to Outfit Theme Parks for Hearing Impaired


Walt Disney Co. on Friday reached an agreement with the Justice Department to provide interpreters and other assistance for the hearing impaired at its U.S. theme parks, including Disneyland.

The pact was a response to complaints brought against the entertainment giant by deaf consumers under the Americans with Disabilities Act, which guarantees the disabled equal access to public accommodations, including theme parks.

Disney agreed to incorporate sign language interpreters, innovative captioning systems and other audiovisual aids into more than 100 rides, parades, attractions and shows at its four domestic theme parks.


Disney has agreed to have most of the improvements in place by the end of the year. The pact covers Disneyland in Anaheim and Walt Disney World, Epcot and Disney-MGM Studios near Orlando, Fla. The agreement was not an admission of wrongdoing, nor was the company fined by the Justice Department.

“[Disney] is combining its tradition of innovation with a commitment to ensuring that deaf and hard-of-hearing people can experience Disney’s magic,” said Deval Patrick, assistant attorney general for civil rights. “This is a great example of the public and private sectors working together to remove barriers to communication to all people.”

Advocates for the deaf hailed the agreement as a watershed that would compel other theme parks and entertainment venues to improve their services for the hearing impaired.


“There is no doubt that other places are going to follow Disney’s lead,” said Coleen Ashly, outreach director for the Greater Los Angeles Council on Deafness in Ventura. “This is a significant action and a great day for the deaf community. I’m thrilled.”

The Justice Department began working with Disney in the early ‘90s after fielding complaints from deaf patrons that its parks weren’t accessible to the hearing impaired.

The company has been experimenting with so-called reflective captioning technology, which is being tested at the Hall of Presidents attraction at Walt Disney World.


That process allows hearing-impaired individuals to look through a hand-held plexiglass window at their seats, and view the dialogue of the audio-animatronic presidents without the text being visible to other patrons.

Disney spokesman Bill Warren said that technology will be replicated in other attractions, such as Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln at the Anaheim park.

“This is going to raise the bar for the industry,” Warren said. “We are setting some new standards that we’re very excited about.”

In addition to new technologies, the parks also plan to provide regular interpreters at their live shows, parades and other special events.

The parks declined to say how much the improvements would cost.

Both Knott’s Berry Farm and Universal Studios Hollywood say they offer special headsets that amplify instructions and other recorded park messages for people with partial hearing losses.

For those with complete hearing loss, the parks offer written guidebooks.

In addition, deaf visitors at Universal Studios can request a guide who knows sign language and will accompany the visitor throughout the park, free of charge.


Knott’s Berry Farm also schedules special events for the deaf, said spokeswoman Dana Hammontree. Once or twice a year, interpreters are stationed all day at all the park’s attractions.

Times staff writers James S. Granelli and Greg Miller contributed to this story.
