
City to Replace Roof, Hope Club Repays It

Hoping to be reimbursed later, the City Council has decided to pay nearly $30,000 for a new roof for the Boys and Girls Club of Cypress.

The city-owned building at 10161 Moody St. is leased by the Boys and Girls Club for $1 a year. City Public Works Director Mark Christoffels told the council that the lease requires the club to pay for upkeep and repairs. The club, however, has said it is unable to pay for a new roof.

The issue, Christoffels said, is whether the city should allow the building to “continue to deteriorate” or make repairs to protect its investment. The council voted unanimously this week to spend $29,804 to put a new roof on the building.


Christoffels said the city attorney recommends sending a bill to the club after the roof work is finished.

“The Boys and Girls Club didn’t enter the building until it was already almost 20 years old,” Councilwoman Mary Ann Jones said. She said the building probably needed a new roof, and the club didn’t anticipate such an expense when it leased the structure.

Christoffels said that leaving the leaky roof alone would only lead to ruin. “We’ll protect our financial investment and seek reimbursement later,” he said.


The council’s vote awarded the contract to the low bidder, Coast Roof Co. Inc. in Fullerton.
