
School Uniforms Discussed Tonight

Anaheim Union High School District trustees will discuss pursuing a school uniform policy at their meeting tonight.

If trustees support consideration of school uniforms, several sessions will be scheduled for community input before the item goes to a vote, Trustee Joanne L. Stanton said.

“We’re really at a grass-roots level right now,” Stanton said. “Even if we wanted to go in that direction, there’s a lot of groundwork that has to be done with the community.”


Stanton said in addition to holding districtwide discussion sessions, individual school site councils will have an opportunity to explore the issue and submit their recommendations.

Trustees also plan to look at other districts that have uniforms at the middle and high school levels, which is less common than at the elementary level, Trustee Harald G. Martin said.

“At this point we’re just looking into it,” Martin said. “We’re just seeing what’s happening at schools that have uniforms.”


Martin said he’s gotten mixed reactions from students about a uniform policy.

“Some of them said, ‘Yeah, that’s a good idea,’ ” he said. “But others looked at me and said, ‘No way.’ ”
