
Complaints Prompt Traffic Signal Action

The city plans to put up a four-way traffic signal at the entrance of Rancho La Paz Mobile Home Park on Orangethorpe Avenue to ease residents’ concerns about dangers posed by an existing signal.

The decision came after residents asked the council to study the issue and make changes to eliminate what they say is a potentially dangerous situation.

Residents filed more than 180 complaints with the city, charging that Anaheim officials put the needs of an industrial complex across the street above the welfare of senior citizens. Residents also charge that they have been discriminated against because they are elderly.


The City Council in a closed session this week decided to move forward with the proposed changes, which include moving the entrance and exit for the mobile home park for seniors.

But the city first must negotiate with the park owner regarding costs of the improvements on both public and private property.

A traffic signal was installed recently at the entrance to the new industrial park across the street from the park. Residents say the signal interferes with park access and creates an unsafe situation for those entering and exiting.


Mayor Tom Daly said revamping the traffic signal is a “mutually beneficial resolution of this matter.”
