
Extra Police Will Patrol Culver Today

Hoping to curtail accidents and speeding, the Police Department will assign additional traffic officers to a stretch of Culver Drive today and pull over motorists for any vehicle violation, officials said.

Officers are creating what is known as a traffic enforcement zone, where police target an area known for violations and accidents. Today’s zone is along Culver between Trabuco Road and Walnut Avenue, with enforcement from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

“The main objective is to raise awareness, for the motorist to pay attention to safety,” Sgt. Tim Smith said.


Culver Drive is considered a problem area by police because of its frequent accidents and moving violations. There has not been a fatality along the roadway for about three years, but a woman involved in an accident there about four months ago was left paralyzed from the neck down, Smith said.

This is the second time the department has set up a traffic enforcement zone in the city, Smith said. The first operation was last week along Culver south of Walnut. Officers wrote 15 citations and issued eight warnings there in two hours.

A large lighted sign atop a trailer will identify the safety zone. Two squad cars and two motorcycle units are assigned to patrol the area.
