
Agencies Told to Review Citizens’ Report

Orange County’s chief executive officer has asked department managers to review a critical study of government operations prepared by a citizens committee and respond to its recommendations.

The Government Practices Oversight Committee was formed by the Board of Supervisors in the wake of the bankruptcy to examine ways of making county government more efficient and responsive to the public.

The committee report, released last summer, described the county system as dysfunctional and in need of reform.


In a memo, CEO Jan Mittermeier directs department managers to “respond briefly to the recommendations, indicate those that have been or are being implemented, those that merit further review [and] those that are policy decisions more appropriately made by the board.”

Supervisor Todd Spitzer said he was pleased that the committee’s report is being carefully reviewed. “You don’t ask people from the private sector to come in and provide their knowledge unless you respect the recommendations they make,” he said.

The report, based on interviews with employees, politicians and people who do business with the county, found low staff morale and suggested the county privatize more services, improve its computer systems and more clearly define the roles of supervisors and other officials.
