
Energy Department OKs Plan to Scrap Plutonium Surplus

<i> Reuters</i>

The Energy Department gave final approval Tuesday to a controversial two-track program to scrap 50 tons of plutonium left from the nuclear weapons program.

Energy Secretary Hazel O’Leary said she signed the policy to immobilize some of the plutonium in glass or ceramic and mix the rest into fuel to be used in nuclear power plants.

O’Leary said the department had added measures to ensure that using plutonium in civilian reactors does not compromise efforts to halt the spread of nuclear weapon ingredients.


Most nuclear control advocates want the department to immobilize the plutonium and bury it to prevent its commercial use and keep it from ever being used in weapons.

O’Leary said the department would immobilize at least 8 tons of plutonium because it needs too much purification to be used in fuel.

The Nuclear Energy Institute, which represents utilities, applauded the department’s announcement.
