
Date Set for Decision on Retrial in Teacher’s Shooting

A Compton Superior Court judge on Tuesday granted the district attorney’s office more time to decide whether to retry the two gang members accused of the shooting that nearly killed schoolteacher Alfredo Perez.

Jan. 27 date was set as the date for prosecutors to announce whether they will seek a third trial for Frazier Francis and Antonio Moses, both 19.

The suspects have been held in County Jail since shortly after the shooting last February.

In both previous trials, juries have been unable to reach a verdict. The first trial in September deadlocked at 7 to 5 in favor of acquittal. The second, in December, ended with the jury split 9 to 3 in favor of acquittal.


Perez, shot in the brain while he taught his fifth-grade class at Figueroa Elementary School, has regained his ability to speak and walks with the aid of a cane.

Citing a gag order imposed during the first trial, lawyers on both sides refused to speak about the case.
