
Circus Performance Will Benefit Children

The Jan. 30 opening night performance in Orange County of Cirque du Soleil’s “Quidam” will be a benefit for Childhelp USA, a nonprofit group that helps abused children and their families.

Special guests include Olympic gymnast Kerri Strug and talk-show radio host Dr. Laura Schlessinger.

Organizers hope to raise $200,000 for Childhelp from proceeds of the performance by the well-known French-Canadian circus. Tickets are $150 and $100.


“Quidam” will start at 8 p.m. at the Orange County Fairgrounds, Gate 3, Fairview Avenue in Costa Mesa. A reception with the cast and crew will follow at Crystal Court. Henry Segerstrom is honorary chairman of the charity event.

To purchase tickets, call (310) 201-5033.
