
Library Lot to Be Paved, Landscaped

The muddy lot next to the Moorpark Library will be paved and lighted, now that county supervisors have awarded a contract for the project’s construction.

County supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to lease half an acre of land next to the library from the city of Moorpark. They also awarded CNM Paving Inc. of Camarillo $74,733 to turn the land into a paved lot, with lights, landscaping and room for 33 cars.

The entire project, including engineering work, is expected to cost $101,900.

Plans for the paved lot were originally included in efforts to expand the library, next to City Hall on Moorpark Road. Lack of funding, however, forced county officials to delay improvements to the lot until after the 2,700-square-foot library expansion was completed last year.


The county will pay the city an annual rent of $1 for the lot. The city will also advance the county $71,000 to cover most of the lot’s construction costs. The county will eventually reimburse the city through the Library Services Agency’s portion of property taxes.

The remaining $30,900 needed for construction will come from the library agency’s contingency account.
