
City Planning Panel Has New Chairman

In its first meeting of 1997, the city Planning Commission unanimously elected Commissioner John Powers as its new chairman.

Powers, who was appointed to the commission by Thousand Oaks City Councilman Mike Markey in 1995 and most recently served as vice chairman of the panel, replaces former Chairman Forrest Frields. Commissioner Ronald Polanski was elected vice chairman in a separate vote late Monday.

“I consider this a distinct honor to be able to represent the community at large,” Powers said.


Powers said he would attempt to “bring back a level of professionalism to the commission.” The new chairman said he will encourage his fellow commissioners to study Planning Department staff reports in detail before meetings so they will be better informed and so the meetings won’t turn into marathon sessions.

In the past year, it was not uncommon for meetings, which usually begin at 7 p.m., to carry on well past midnight.

Powers, 37, has lived in Thousand Oaks for eight years and is the president of a general construction firm in Van Nuys.
