
Private Firm May Do Resort Work Services

As the building of the $2-billion Disneyland and Anaheim resort projects gets underway, the City Council today will consider hiring a consultant at a cost of up to $926,000 to oversee the construction schedule for the massive improvement effort.

The council is expected to approve an agreement with CRSS Constructors Inc. in Irvine to provide services as needed by the city to handle engineering inspections, scheduling and general processing of the construction.

Money from the city’s general fund would not be used to pay the consultant. All fees would be paid from building permits, bond proceeds and contributions from Disney, Deputy City Manager Tom Wood said.


As part of the city’s agreement with Disney, Wood said, the city will maintain the master construction schedule for the public and private projects that include expansions of Disneyland and the Anaheim Convention Center, upgrades of the tourist area infrastructure and improvements to the Santa Ana Freeway.

Disney has committed to an aggressive schedule to build the $1.4-billion second theme park, called California Adventure, and surrounding improvements, city officials said.

Wood said that the consultants will oversee “coordination of all the work that is supposed to be done.”


“Rather than hiring city staff,” he said, “we believe it’s more effective to contract [the work]. If we don’t coordinate who’s doing what and where, we run the risk of having an improvement installed, then having to tear it up.”

Because the resort is scheduled to be completed by 2001, the city’s contract with CRSS would be extended on an as-needed basis, Wood said.

The meeting will begin at 5 p.m. in City Council chambers, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Information: (714) 254-5166.
