
Medical Disciplinary Actions

The Medical Board of California licenses physicians and other medical professionals. It also investigates medical complaints and issues disciplinary actions. The most serious penalties include license revocation, suspension and probation.

These are the Los Angeles County physicians and surgeons subject to serious disciplinary actions between Aug. 1 and Oct. 31, 1996, according to medical board documents. Generally final actions are published only after all appeals are exhausted.


* Lee De Cady Jr., M.D., Encino: Disseminated public communications that were false and misleading, containing deceptive statements related to the cost of physical examinations, to induce patients to his office. Diagnosed and charted conditions that did not exist and billed for these services. Revocation of license stayed; three years’ probation. Effective Oct. 21.


* Houshang Farhadian, M.D., Valencia: Inappropriate and unnecessary comments to a patient during an examination. Disciplined via public letter of reprimand.* Effective Oct. 24.

* Arthur N. Goldfarb, M.D., Lancaster: Felony conviction for prescribing controlled substances without a legitimate medical purpose. Revocation of license stayed; five years’ probation. Effective Sept. 12.

* William Grier Jr., M.D., Los Angeles: Misdemeanor criminal conviction for failing to maintain inventory of dangerous drugs. Revocation of license stayed; three years’ probation. Effective Aug. 23.


* V. Georges Hufnagel, M.D., Beverly Hills: Negligence and incompetence in the care and treatment of patients, excessive use of diagnostic procedures, and dishonest billing practices.

License revoked. Effective Sept. 3.

* Isaac Jakubowicz, M.D., Los Angeles: Dishonesty or corruption and conviction of a crime. Convicted in a federal criminal court of three felony counts of filing false income tax returns. Revocation of license stayed; license suspended for one year; three years’ probation. Effective Sept. 30.

* Robert M. Karns, M.D., Beverly Hills: Prescribed dangerous drugs without justification and a good-faith medical examination. Suspension of license stayed; one year probation. Effective Oct. 11.


* Thomas Evans Mitchell Jr., M.D., Pasadena: Disciplined by West Virginia Medical Board. In or about 1992 and 1993 falsely billed patients and insurance carriers for services not rendered in the field of anesthesiology and/or pain management. Disciplined via public reprimand.** Effective Oct. 9.

* Lawrence Pollock, M.D., Pico Rivera: Mismanaged the care and treatment of a patient due to prolonged or improperly treated infection, which led to the patient’s death. Created false medical records. License revoked. Effective Sept. 2.

* William Elson Shell, M.D., Beverly Hills: Excessively prescribed Dilaudid. Revocation of license stayed; three years’ probation. Effective Aug. 7.

* Fred Swerdloff, M.D., Los Angeles: Misdemeanor conviction for unfair trade practices. Revocation of license stayed; one year probation. Effective Oct. 17.

* Edward A. Thistlewaite, M.D., San Marino: Slapped a 9-year-old patient while treating him for attention deficit syndrome. Disciplined via public reprimand.** Effective Aug. 1.

* Shadpour Yashar, M.D., Los Angeles: Felony conviction for conspiracy to commit insurance fraud. Revocation of license stayed; license suspended 20 days; three years’ probation. Effective Oct. 15.


* A lesser form of discipline that can be negotiated for minor violations before or after the filing of formal charges (accusations). The licensee is chastised in the form of a letter that becomes a part of his or her public record.

** A public reprimand, another lesser form of discipline, is similar to a public letter of reprimand except that it must be the result of charges that are filed. The reprimand becomes a part of the doctor’s public record.

Source: Medical Board of California, Sacramento
