
Prop. 208 Limits

Those Los Angeles City Council members who voted to place a measure on the ballot to exempt themselves from Prop. 208’s limit on “officeholder accounts” should be ashamed of themselves (Jan. 8). Do they really believe that the voters want them to take $75,000 a year for their slush funds from special interests seeking to buy influence with their contributions? Do they really believe that the voters check their mailboxes every day hoping to receive an “official” puff piece from their councilperson, paid for by those having business before the City Council?

Councilman Mike Feuer is right. The message is clear. The voters approved Prop. 208 to reform a political system dominated by special interest money. Limiting “officeholder accounts” is a key part of that reform. The City Council should reverse its move to circumvent Prop. 208.


Executive Director

California for Political Reform

