
Drug Policy

* Ethan Nadelmann (“Stop Kidding About Drug-Free Kids,” Commentary, Jan. 3) claims to “tell the truth” about drugs, but his logic has more holes than the ears and noses of his “legalize it” counterparts on Venice Beach.

After noting that high school marijuana use is up for the fourth straight year, Nadelmann says this means our efforts to keep children off drugs have been “both pointless and counterproductive.” He ignores the fact that the recent increase is in direct contrast to what occurred during the Reagan and Bush administrations. The war on drugs was a national priority then, with aggressive policies bolstered by a strong moral message summed up in Nancy Reagan’s phrase, “Just say no.”

As a result, use of drugs--including marijuana--was cut in half between 1979 and 1992. At the time, self-appointed wise men like Nadelmann laughed at Mrs. Reagan: Now he simply pretends that her message wasn’t effective.



Los Angeles
