
Revitalizing L.A. and Dodger Sale

* I hope the mayor and Los Angeles City Council realize that the sale of the Dodgers--probably to some large entertainment-related conglomerate--could be a real plus for the continuing revitalization of downtown.

A big part of how attractive the Dodgers will be as an investment will revolve around what the new owners are allowed to build at Chavez Ravine. The new owners will most likely want to build some sort of entertainment complex open year-round to home-grown baseball fans and tourists alike.

The mayor and council members should be open to the right project under the right conditions. These conditions should include no further degradations of Elysian Park and the surrounding neighborhood and something that links the new complex with downtown.


How about a funicular (Dodgers’ Flight?) from somewhere around Philippe’s to Blue City or Dodgerplex or whatever the hilltop will be called? Imagine a not-too-distant future where you could take the Metro Blue or Red Line downtown, roam around on foot and take an inexpensive and scenic ride to Blue City. On the other hand, imagine driving to Dodger Stadium early Sunday morning, riding the flight down to downtown and then arriving back in time for the game, French dip in hand.


Los Angeles
