
Citron Has Paid for His Misdeeds

The Orange County judicial system is proud of itself that it caught the vicious criminal who put the county in bankruptcy.

They caught him, indicted him, and, with the help of media publicity, he was convicted. Now the judge is going to put this convicted criminal away so that he can no longer harm our pure and innocent society.

Forget about justice! It’s the law that must be implemented to its fullest extent. I have read a lot about former Treasurer-Tax Collector Robert L. Citron’s criminal acts in the last couple of years. Thus far, however, I did not read anywhere that he pocketed even a single dollar of the money that he was managing.


He has been accused and convicted of putting the money into high-risk investments in order to make more money for the county. Indeed, he did make hundreds of millions of dollars of extra money for the county by engaging in such high-risk practices while getting a pat on the back from the county supervisors.

Now, why is it that he is the only one who is a criminal and being punished for it, but the supervisors who were encouraging him to make the extra money for them to spend are either on the job or enjoying their retirement with excellent pension plans?

In the name of the law, Citron was convicted. For the sake of justice, let the old man go! He already paid a heavy price for his naivete.



Laguna Niguel
