
Dialogue Needed on Environment

Welcome to Ventura, Environmental Defense Center (“A New Chapter in County Eco-Politics,” Jan. 9). Now that you’re here, we hope that you will learn that there are two (or more) sides to every story, and that you will finally have some intellectual contact with other professionals’ expert viewpoints.

If you had done so earlier, your history would be different, and your foreseeable future will be, too. Consider:

You would have supported the creation of a university on the Taylor Ranch seven years ago.

You are interested in the Dos Vientos community, acknowledge that the owners of that property, a pension fund for elderly engineers, donated open space to the Conejo Open Space Conservation Agency as part of the contract to entitle the relatively small portion retained. You may wish to reread your contracts course from law school.


Acknowledge that the Ojai Valley creates much of its own air pollution by stubbornly opposing the simple widening of roadways, including Highway 33. Official opposition to the highway widening in Ojai is actually a thinly disguised excuse to justify restricting parcel maps in the valley.

Stay out of the frivolous suit against the Japanese man who has given up thousands of acre-feet of water entitlements and over 1,000 acres of open space in order to build a 200-acre golf course near Rancho Matilija. Opponents already lost this case in appeals court; now they are back, on the same issue. The opponents may find themselves defendants in a race discrimination suit.

Please explain why you are supporting the suit against the 100-year cattle operators of Santa Rosa Island, instead of suing the Nature Conservancy, which has completely bungled the ecosystem of Santa Cruz Island. By removing all cattle at once from Santa Cruz Island without implementing a restoration plan, the Nature Conservancy has allowed nonnative vegetation to choke and overwhelm the unique species found there, in violation of their charter and covenant.


We expect primarily to see leadership from you, and some new ideas. Let’s hear your contributory ideas, and not more obstruction. There is room for dialogue in Ventura County. Please try to be a positive influence here.

