

I usually try to avoid getting caught up in criticism of year-end 10-best film lists. But then you had to go and publish the myopic letter from Jim Davis of Signal Hill that slammed reviewer Kevin Thomas, yet ended so tellingly with the comment that it possibly “needs to be explained for those of us like myself who don’t quite get it” (Letters, Jan. 5).

Year in and year out, my friends and I look forward to the insightful reviews of Kevin Thomas. Much like Charles Champlin in earlier days, Thomas loves film and his remarks always come from a place that reflects that fondness. The elitism that Jim Davis refers to can most ordinarily be found in the reviews of The Times’ first-stringer. Thomas is to be congratulated on every one of his selections. His No. 1 film, “Breaking the Waves,” which Kenneth Turan ignored and which Roger Ebert and Gene Siskel chose as No. 2 and No. 3, respectively, was the best film of the year.

I had no trouble seeing all the films on Kevin Thomas’ list, and I would suggest Jim Davis would be better off joining the American Cinematheque, picking up a Nuart schedule or attending a Laemmle theater rather than reading Movieline with the mistaken impression that he actually has a clue as to what wonderful work is being done in the “fringes” of world cinema.



Manhattan Beach


While I don’t always agree with Kevin Thomas, I have read him my whole adult life with interest, and find him to be a reliable reporter and a sensitive/sensible critic.

He opens up the possibilities for small films, and foreign films, and esoteric films, to find more of an audience. I thank him for that. Jim Davis, on the other hand, apparently wants to limit our choices, and settle for the lesser delights of the mass media.

Be not afraid, Jim Davis, take the road less traveled once in a while, and expand your mental and emotional horizons.



Long Beach


I don’t always agree 100% with everything Kevin Thomas writes, but I trust his judgment of movies more than I do anyone who writes for Premiere, Movieline or Entertainment Weekly.


Newport Beach


Since the mid-’60s, Kevin Thomas has directed me to dozens if not hundreds of small or obscure films featuring big talent. It is his vocation to open up a window both to our cinematic past and to the world of noncommercial cinema. Several generations of films lovers are grateful.


