
Morse Ineligible at CSUN Pending Improved Grades

Derek Morse, a freshman pitcher from Kennedy High, is not practicing with the Cal State Northridge baseball team because his academic eligibility is in question.

Morse is ineligible based on fall semester grades released last week, but Coach Mike Batesole said the right-hander could be eligible by the end of the month because he is taking classes during the current winter break.

Morse, who was 15-0 in leading Kennedy to the City Section 4-A Division championship last season, is expected to make a strong contribution for the Matadors if eligible.


“He worked hard all fall and was definitely going to pitch,” said Erasmo Ramirez, the Northridge ace with a 14-1 record last season. “Coach told us that if Derek calls and wants some help with studies to help him. We all want him to be eligible.”
