
Addicts Need Support More Than Abuse

Kim Wade, William Ash and Patricia Hurley [Viewpoint, Jan. 4] suggest Mike Downey did society a disservice by failing to chastise Angelica Erickson’s drug use. To the contrary, their outcry only emulates and perpetuates society’s inherently wrong perception of a drug addict.

I’m a recovering drug addict, and for almost two decades I used alcohol, heroin, crack, methamphetamine and more. I also maintained a legitimate business through it and made more money than most Americans, which mitigated a lot of the stigma normally put on addicts. My freedom from the horrors of drug addiction came about as a direct result of people who understood and had compassion for me. Obviously, it is not everyone’s responsibility to reach out to addicts, but to vilify them only invites violence.

Alcohol may be legal, but it’s a drug just the same. It killed Mickey Mantle before his time, so let’s not deny Angelica Erickson the same respect in her hour of darkness simply because she used more lethal drugs.



San Marino
