
Bicycling in L.A.

Providing for bicycling in a region like Los Angeles is difficult at best. We have a huge area to work with and some of the longest commutes in the nation. Government agencies are forced to [figure out] how, with an already developed, overutilized infrastructure we can provide for bicyclists after the fact. Unfortunately, in many cases, bicyclists lose in the fight for space to provide bicycle facilities.

We know the No. 1 reason Americans will not ride their bicycles for transportation is a fear of traffic and being hit by a car. And we know that many have said that the way to encourage more Americans to use their bicycles for transportation is to provide bike facilities.

The Los Angeles area is the biggest market for bicycle retailers in the nation; more bicycles are sold here than anywhere else in the U.S. The question is, how can government provide for these riders?


I think a part of the answer is for government to be proactive rather than reactive in thinking of the bicycle in the design of new transportation facilities, retrofit of old facilities and renovation of existing roadways. Another part of the answer is for members of the public to tell their elected officials they want to be able to ride their bicycles safely.


(The author is bicycle coordinator for the city of Los Angeles. This letter is meant to expand on her remarks in Voices Nov. 16.)
