
Spray-Painted Traffic Signs to Be Replaced


Dear Traffic Talk:

I would like to know what can be done about the defaced traffic signs at the intersection of San Fernando Road, Clybourn Avenue and Strathern Street.

I am most concerned about the “no right turn on red” sign which is spray-painted, because many cars are making right turns at the corner of San Fernando and Strathern.

There are three or four other signs in that area that are also spray-painted and need to be replaced.


Adlene Sand

Sun Valley

Dear Adlene:

The Los Angeles Department of Transportation plans to begin a number of projects in the area aimed at cleaning up vandalized signs and making other improvements, according to authorities.

The missing and graffiti-covered regulatory signs at the intersection of Clybourn Avenue, San Fernando Road and Strathern Street will be replaced as soon as the agency can schedule the work, said Irwin Chodash, a spokesman for the agency.

A “no right turn on red” sign for southeast-bound traffic on San Fernando Road and a second one for eastbound motorists on Strathern will be relocated for better visibility.


Other traffic-sign improvements in the area will be made in conjunction with the re-striping of Clybourn Avenue following a recent repaving project there, Chodash said.

Dear Traffic Talk:

I would like to know what is happening at the interchange between the southbound Golden State (I-5) and Pasadena (110) freeways. The transition road has been cut down to one lane for about two months.

Also, why don’t they prevent cars from cutting in and messing up traffic in the tunnels on the northbound Pasadena Freeway just before the Golden State exit?


A small wall or double solid line will prevent this, reduce accidents and speed up the traffic flow.

Morris Urish


Dear Morris:

First, Caltrans is working on a project to stabilize the slope adjacent to the connector road between the southbound Golden State and Pasadena freeways in the Elysian Park area, according to authorities.

The agency has contracted Peterson Chase of Irvine for the $1.3-million job, said Pat Reid, a spokeswoman for the agency.

During the work, Caltrans has closed one of the connector’s lanes, Reid said. The project is expected to be wrapped up by mid-February.

Secondly, it is not standard practice for Caltrans to stripe exit lanes with double-solid lines, Reid said.

The existent raised-pavement markers allow motorists to freely enter or exit the lane connecting the northbound Pasadena Freeway to the Golden State Freeway.


Also, a wall barrier is not feasible because the northbound Golden State does not have opposing traffic in the area of the tunnels, Reid said.

She said installing a wall would create a fixed hazard and put the public at risk.

Traffic Talk appears Fridays in The Times Valley Edition. Readers may submit comments and questions about traffic in the Valley to Traffic Talk, Los Angeles Times, 20000 Prairie St., Chatsworth 91311. Include your name, address and phone number. Letters may be edited, and no anonymous letters will be accepted. To record your comments, call (818) 772-3303. Fax letters to (818) 772-3385. E-mail questions to [email protected]
