
3 New City Planners From Mission Oaks

Residents of the Mission Oaks area of Camarillo no longer need to feel underrepresented in local government--the city’s three new planning commissioners are all from that part of town.

“Historically, there has been a feeling that the area has not been represented,” said City Manager Bill Little. Now, four of the five commissioners are from Mission Oaks.

“They appear to be very competent people, and we look forward to working with them,” Little said. “The planning director is planning a meeting over the next week to bring them up to speed and give them background and information on what’s been going on.”


The City Council voted unanimously Wednesday evening to appoint James Grant as the replacement for Bill Liebmann, who was elected to the City Council. Grant works with the U.S. Department of the Interior and served on the Camarillo Community Goals Committee.

The council also endorsed Don Waunch and Roger Lund for the remaining four-year posts.

After Waunch’s 14-year career at Northrop Corp., where he was responsible for government contracts, he was briefly employed as the business development director for Metters Industries and worked with military service contracts.

Lund graduated from Camarillo High School and then left the area to attend Brigham Young University and to live in Japan for two years. He returned and went to Pepperdine Law School, and after graduation he worked for a local law firm.
