
Lockheed Martin Gets Food Stamp Contract

Times Staff and Wire Reports

Lockheed Martin, known worldwide for its jet fighter planes, won a different kind of contract: something that will serve the indigent. Lockheed Martin IMS, a division of the Bethesda, Md.-based industrial giant, said it won a $4-million five-year contract from the District of Columbia to develop a program for computerized distribution of paperless food stamps and other benefits for the poor. Under the program, debit cards would be used to pay for food at terminals in supermarkets. Teaneck, N.J.-based Lockheed Martin IMS also operates benefit services in more than a dozen states, most of them in concert with New York banking company Citicorp. Citicorp’s Citibank EBT Services will be a subcontractor in the D.C. program, which will use Citibank ASSIST software.
