
Council to Set Goals During 2-Day Meeting

The City Council, with two new members aboard, will turn its attention to economic matters as it gathers for a two-day meeting Friday to discuss goals for the year.

Council members figure they will be able to focus better on economic development now that the city has completed negotiations with the Irvine Ranch Water District over that agency’s proposal to dump treated waste water in Upper Newport Bay.

Newport Beach, despite its many wealthy residents and gated communities, is having its share of financial problems. Declining property values have meant less money to the city, which now must find ways to boost revenue.


The council is looking at ways to revitalize older business districts, such as those in Corona del Mar and Balboa, as a means to increase sales tax revenue.

Another likely item on Friday’s agenda is the city’s plan to annex a chunk of unincorporated land known as the down coast area. Situated between Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach, the down coast area contains some of the most expensive new homes in Orange County.

Annexing the area would be expensive, but some city officials think it would be worth the cost in the long run because the pricey parcels would add a healthy source of property tax revenue for the city.


The two-day goal-setting session begins at 1 p.m. Friday at the Newport Beach Public Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. It runs through 4 p.m. Saturday.

Information: (714) 644-3017.
