
10 Agencies’ Officials Plan Network to Aid Needy

Representatives from the 10 agencies that make up Families-Costa Mesa--a consortium of charities, medical services and schools that work to simplify access to social services--gathered for the first time Tuesday to lay the lines for their network.

The new venture operates by referral, so if clients patronize one of the member organizations, they may be sent by case workers to other appropriate agencies within the network.

The program, for example, should make it easier for needy families to go from a free clinic to a food bank to an after-school tutoring service.


“All of the agencies working together have been in this community for eons, but we’ve never really worked together,” said Adrienne Stokols, executive director of the YMCA Community Counseling Services.

Member groups include Share Our Selves, a food bank and medical clinic; YMCA; Save Our Youth anti-gang program; the Newport-Mesa Unified School District; and St. Joachim Catholic Church. Advisors work as teachers, probation officers, social workers, attorneys and priests.

The immediate task before the group is linking the agencies and creating easy accessibility. Teaching self-sufficiency to west side families is the long-term mission.


“The goal is that we should all be out of a job,” Stokols said.

At Tuesday’s organizational meeting at the Rea Community Center on Hamilton Street, members described their organizations and expertise, discussed drafting a phone directory and reviewed caseloads in a private session.

The county allocated $145,000 to launch Families-Costa Mesa in October. The organization serves only families with children in the city’s west side elementary schools who qualify for benefits.

The idea of forming a the consortium came from the late Roy Alvarado, a well-known anti-gang counselor with the Newport-Mesa school district who died of cancer in April on his 61st birthday.


“If Roy was here he would be excited about the potential,” said Bill Turpit, director of Families-Costa Mesa. “Those of you on this team are doing something really important in the community.”
