
Chamber Accepting Award Nominations

City Administrator Mary Strenn will deliver a “state of the city” address at the monthly luncheon of the San Fernando Chamber of Commerce today at noon.

The luncheon is open to everyone and will be held at the Odyssey restaurant, 15600 Odyssey Drive in Granada Hills. The cost is $16.

“It’s our annual state of the city address with Mary Strenn, and this one is particularly important,” said Joe Sandoval, a spokesman for the chamber.


“This will hopefully be the first year the city begins to receive economic development funds that it applied for after the earthquake,” Sandoval said, referring to Department of Commerce Economic Development Assistance grants.

Chamber officials also announced that nominations for its “Outstanding Women of the Year” and “Small Businessperson of the Year” awards will be accepted through the end of January.

Those who wish to nominate people for the awards can either pick up an official form at the chamber office or send a letter stating the nominee’s name and achievements.


Recipients of the Women of the Year Award demonstrate both professional excellence and dedication to community service, Sandoval said. Five women--including the owner of a bridal store and a Mission College administrator--were honored last year.

The Small Businessperson of the Year award was started by former Assemblyman Richard Katz. Katz was forced to retire from the Assembly last year because of term limits, but Sandoval said he expected new Assemblyman Tony Cardenas (D-Sylmar) to continue the tradition.

Last year’s winners in San Fernando were Alex and Mirta Liberman, owners of the Leaders Centro Del Hogar furniture store.


The chamber’s address is 519 S. Brand Blvd., San Fernando 91340. For more information, call (818) 361-1184.
