
Man Charged With Illegal Dumping

A Castaic man is facing criminal charges of illegally dumping asphalt in a flood-control basin in Limekiln Canyon in the northwest San Fernando Valley, the city attorney’s office said.

Bernardino Bugarin, 35, and another man were allegedly dumping chunks of broken asphalt from a pickup truck in the canyon north of Porter Ranch when a resident of the area called police. Los Angeles police officers arrived while Bugarin and the other man were at the scene, authorities said.

The case against Bugarin is being handled by the city attorney’s Environmental Protection Unit. Bugarin has been charged with the dumping of asphalt where it could pass into state waters, illegally dumping of noncombustible rubbish and illegal dumping on a public road. The second man has not been charged.


The incident occurred last April, but Bugarin was only charged last week. A city attorney spokesman said the case proceeded slowly partly because of the retirement of one of the police officers involved.

The maximum penalty Bugarin faces is one year in jail and a $2,000 fine.
