
Post Office Told to Remove POW-MIA Flag

The Rolling Hills Estates post office has been ordered to remove a POW-MIA flag that has flown over the building for six years.

Current U.S. Postal Service policy permits only the U.S. and Postal Service flags to fly above each station, according to Larry Dozier, a Postal Service spokesman in Los Angeles. He said local postmasters can apply for a permit to fly a flag on a special occasion.

The POW-MIA flag, which will be removed later this week, was brought to the attention of the Postal Service when Lomita city officials were denied a request to fly a similar flag over their post office. Lomita officials noted that the nearby office had been hoisting its flag since 1990.


Lomita Councilman Dave Albert has fought to get the local post office to fly a POW-MIA flag since the city passed a policy in 1995 to fly the flag at all city facilities.
