
Ex-Deputy Sentenced for Theft, False OT

A former Ventura County sheriff’s deputy was sentenced Monday to 180 days in County Jail for stealing a laptop computer and charging for overtime he did not work.

Darryl Dunn, 39, who was once decorated for stopping a distraught man from killing himself, must also complete 500 hours of community service and repay the $4,600 in overtime he was paid for but did not work, said prosecutor Michael Frawley.

During his incarceration, Dunn, who quit the department last February, will be released under a work furlough program during the daytime and will spend his nights in jail, Frawley said.


Dunn admitted to taking the laptop computer, worth $3,500, in March 1995 while on duty at the site of the La Conchita mudslide. He also admitted making 17 false overtime claims that year.

Apparently, Dunn charged for some of the time he spent at the Ventura Gold’s Gym that he manages, Frawley said.
