
Noted Food Writer to Present Talk

What are people eating these days? What are chefs and food service companies looking for? And where do people eat most often?

These are some of the questions to be addressed by award-winning food journalist Daniel Puzo during a breakfast meeting for members of Ventura County’s agribusiness community Jan. 14.

The presentation, sponsored by the Pacific Agribusiness Alliance, aims to help growers, shippers, packers and food processors stay abreast of growth opportunities in the industry.


After 18 years as a food reporter for The Times, Puzo is now editor in chief of Restaurants and Institutions magazine. In 1991, The Wall Street Journal listed Puzo as one of the most important food writers and reporters in the nation.

The breakfast meeting will be from 7:30 to 9 a.m. on Jan. 14 at the Radisson Suite Hotel, 2101 W. Vineyard, Oxnard.

Tickets are $10 for Pacific Agribusiness Alliance members, $15 for nonmembers. Reservations are required. Reservations should be made by Jan. 10 by calling 278-9559 or send a fax to 278-9448.
