
Fire Destroys Model Home at Wood Ranch

A fire of unknown origin destroyed a $375,000 model home in the Wood Ranch area late Saturday night, authorities said.

The fire at the two-story home in the 600 block of Starbright Road was reported to the Ventura County Fire Department about 11 p.m. Firefighters arrived and found both floors fully involved in the front of the house and the second floor burning in the rear. They had it contained about an hour later, according to a Fire Department spokeswoman.

A portion of the tile roof collapsed, but no one was injured, a department spokesman said.

Damage to the 4,000-square-foot, fully furnished home was estimated at $325,000. It was one of three model homes on the street in the Stone Canyon development, located at the southwest corner of Wood Ranch.


Officials at the development firm Brock Homes were not available for comment. However, authorities said the building probably will have to be razed.

Wood Ranch security personnel kept people off the street and away from the gray and white structure Sunday.

No information was available on the cause of the fire.
